There are not one, not two, not even three, but FOUR new movies now online! After mad crazy amounts of editing on the new 8 Core tower, they are all online for you to consume. I even encoded HD versions! All for the price of none!

1. RED HQ [Red requested this movie be removed] – I got to go "somewhere near LA" and check out the inside of Red’s HQ, where the RED ONE camera was born. They showed us a couple of 4K movies, and offered hands on training with the camera and post software. It was insanely cool. In addition to that, I also went to Mexico, which has some interesting shots.
2. Cereal Bowl – I was invited to Tracy to shoot another one of Kelly’s crazy youth events, an all cereal all crazy gathering of sugar high proportions.
3. Macworld 2008 – My Macworld movie is now online, featuring the Macbook Air and the Modbook tablet notebook.
4. Deacon Dave’s 2007 – I shot some cool footage at Deacon Dave’s in Livermore over the Christmas holidays, which has now finally made its way online.